Publication Facilities

General Description

International Public Finance Conference/Türkiye is international in terms of participation of researchers and academicians from more than five countries, multinational scientific committee structure, publication of the congress proceedings book (E-Proceedings Book) with ISBN, and refereeing the submitted papers. Therefore, scientific publications made within the scope of this congress can be used in applications for academic appointments.

After submitting the paper, the participants should evaluate the publication opportunities of articles and Turkish or English book chapters based on their academic preferences.


Publication Facilities

Papers presented at the congress are published electronically by a well-known national/international publisher under the editorship of the Organizing Committee President and/or members in a Proceedings Book with an ISBN. Only full-text papers in English are included in the Proceedings Book.

The papers presented at the congress can be developed according to the contributions and feedback and published as an article or book chapter. Articles or book chapters are written in 5,000-9,000 words by scientific ethics and the rules on the congress website. In articles or book chapters, if the text is in Turkish, there should be a Turkish abstract and an English abstract, and only an English abstract if it is in English. 3-6 Turkish keywords are given under the Turkish abstract, 3-6 English keywords and 2-3 JEL Codes related to the field of study are given under the English abstract.

In addition, article or book chapters include an introduction, main text, conclusion and bibliography. In these studies, the in-text citation method (APA) is used. The citation indicates the author’s surname, publication year, and page number in parentheses. All tables, figures and graphics included in articles or book chapters are numbered within themselves with sequence numbers. At the end of the article or book chapter texts, there is an alphabetical bibliography according to the authors’ surnames.

According to the preferences of the author(s), articles or book chapters can be used in one of the following publication types:

1. Article: It is published as an article in the International Journal of Public Finance (IJPF), indexed in international field indexes such as DOAJ and DRJI.

The IJPF (E-ISSN: 2548-0499), published by the International Public Finance Conference/Türkiye, publishes original research in the field of public finance. IJPF is a blinded peer-reviewed, open access international e-journal with particular emphasis on fiscal theory, fiscal economics, fiscal law, and budget and financial planning. Authors who prefer to publish articles in the journal should apply through the website.

2. Chapter in International Book in English: It is published as a chapter in an English International Book published by a well-known international publisher under the editorship of the President and/or members of the Organizing Committee and with an ISBN.

The chapters to be published in the English International Book are written only in English. Submitted texts are evaluated by the Editor(s) or by Turkish or foreign referees, who are determined by considering their field of expertise by going through the blind referee process. The authors of the book chapters pay the cost of proofreading/editing services.

3. Chapter in National/International Book in Turkish: It is published as a chapter in a Turkish National/International Book published by a well-known national/international publisher under the editorship of the President and/or members of the Organizing Committee and with an ISBN.

The Turkish National/International Book chapters can be written in Turkish or English. The submitted texts are evaluated by the Editor(s) or by the referees determined by considering their field of expertise by going through the blind referee process.